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潮门、拍门均属于单向阀,能提到反向逆止作用。 CM型潮门主要用于对管道压力损失要求不高;非频繁动作且密封要求不高的场合。一般应用于江河沿岸、市政排水管道出口。制作材料主要为玻璃钢和铸铁。 PM型拍门主要用于对管道压力损失要求不高,一般直接安装于水泵的出口端,耐冲击力较高的场合,制作材料可采用铸铁、玻璃钢或钢件,外形分为方形和圆形,稍加改造可当作窖井盖使用。



The scope of application of glass fiber reinforced plastic clap door: Chao gate and flap door are one-way valves, which can refer to reverse backstop effect. CM type tide gate is mainly used in the occasion of low pressure loss of pipeline, non-frequent action and low sealing requirement. It is generally applied to river banks and municipal drainage pipelines. The main materials are FRP and cast iron. PM-type flap door is mainly used for pipe pressure loss requirements are not high, generally directly installed at the pump outlet, high impact resistance occasions, the production of materials can be cast iron, glass fiber reinforced plastic or steel parts, the shape is divided into square and round, slightly modified can be used as pit cover. FPM type float door, pipe pressure loss cast iron damp-proof door, flap door, float door small, can be considered as a substitute for ordinary flap door, can set the proportion of the door cover, mostly welded parts. The production of glass fiber reinforced plastic racket door adopts the advanced technological formula of modern glass fiber reinforced plastic, solidifies and matures in the special mold, and then passes through the post-treatment process, and is processed. Its main materials are unsaturated polyester resin, glass fiber cloth, glass fiber chopped yarn, glass fiber yarn.


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